Bullet-proof and stab-proof undervest VST4

Bullet-proof and stab-proof undervest VST4

The UNDER-type bullet-proof and stab-proof vest VST4 provides the user with ballistic and anti-stab protection in the contact area, respectively, the thorax and abdomen (front-to-back); the use is performed by dissimulated wearing directly on the skin or over a t-shirt / undervest.

The undervest is provided with white Velcro straps for body attachment and fitting in four points: two adjacent to the shoulders for vertically adjusting the position of the top and two for the abdomen for an ergonomic fixation on the body.

The removable and self-adhesive ballistic packs are sealed in a black polyurethane film by thermowelding. This film confers resistance against wear and damage due to external environmental factors: sun exposure and humidity.

The undervest canvas was designed to allow an easy wear under the shirt. It is made of light, absorbent fabrics, with anti-allergic, mechanically and film-resistant properties, and on the inside of 3D space fabrics assuring the air circulation between the undervest and the user’s body.

The construction of the actual undervest will allow for the independent removal / insertion of the protection packages; maintenance of the cover (without the protective packs) shall be carried out by washing with household detergent;


Bullet-proof package (front / rear) IIIA protection class NIJ 0101.06 or SR4 acc. to STP-M 40209/99 made of Kevlar Twaron T730 and Twaron Attlex manufactured by Teijin Twaron Netherlands.

Stab-proof package (front / back) level 3 conf. NIJ 0115.00 made of Twaron SRM 509 and polyamide antistab. All materials are manufactured by Teijin Twaron Netherlands.
