Ballistic protective plates

Ballistic protective plates

Ballistic protective plates for VST-1 and VST-3

The ballistic plates in conjunction with the body armor increase the level of protection to III, III+  and IV according to NIJ 0101.06.

The ballistic plate provide protection and safety to the chest area and vital organs, against the cal. 7.62 x 39mm, cal. 7.62 x 54mm API perforating bullets and NATO 7.62×51 AP bullets, according to NIJ 0101.06-USA.

The plates can be composed of:

  1. ceramic plates embedded in a matrix of aramid fibers bonded with resin;
  2. monolithic ceramic and rigid ballistic package of aramidic fabric and resin;
  3. polyethylene.

Plates can be flat, curved or multicurved for plates with an anatomical form.

They are placed in special jacket pocket, front and / or back, with theexposed side (the writing) on the outside.



Ceramic plates are covered with black fabric and are labeled according to the NIJ 0101.06 standard.


Protection level III, III+, IV, to NIJ 0101.06


Models available:







Dimensions (Lxlxh): 300x250x20-24 mm


Weight: 1.60 to 3.2 kg




– 5 years of use


– 10 years in storage
