One-piece air-permeable CBRN protective suit with hood and integrated socks, which can be worn with CBRN gloves, in order to protect the user against the influence of specific chemical fight agents.
Its flexibility makes it easy to carry, light weight and special properties ensure a feeling of thermal comfort for the wearer and the capacity to carry moisture.
The CBRN protection material is combined,obtained by rolling an outer material and a filter material with an integrated layer of activated coal.The CBRN protection material is combined,obtained by rolling an outer material and a filter material with an integrated layer of activated carbon. The inner layer does not cause irritation, the suit is compatible with most gas masks on the market. The filter layer has a high toxic gas absorption capacity.
Dressing time: 8 minutes.
Wear duration:
140 cumulative hours in uncontaminated environment (7 days 20 hours/day)
24 hours accumulated in CBR contaminated medium.
CBR protection – materialul împiedică pătrunderea agenţilor de război lichizi şi gazoşi, în starea de livrare şi după cel puţin 6 (şase) cicluri de spălare şi de uscare.
CBR protection- the material prevents war agents from penetrating the suit both in liquid and solid stats, up to 6 wash cycles.
High durability (tensile and tensile strength)
Protection against specific chemical fighting agents as follows:
resistant to chemical agents (HD – iperita, GD – soman, GB – Sarin, VX), in the form of drops in a concentration of 10 g / sqm for 24 hours.
resistant to chemical agents (HD -iperita, GD – soman, GB – Sarin, VX), in the form of vapors (dynamic conditions), at a concentration of 20,000 mg x min / m3, and wind speed of 1 m / s; or at a concentration of 4000 mg x min / m3 and a wind speed of 5 m / s for 24 hours.
resistant to biological agent penetration.
resistant to solid particle penetration (37 – 200 μm, max. 0,1 g/m2.)
resistant to liquid or solid aerosols, with a size of 1-3 μm
resistance to toxic fighting agents penetration
Integrated suit:
drops 10 g / sqm, for 24 hours.
vapors 20 g.min./mc (v = 1 m / s), 4 g.min. / m3 (v = 5 m / s), for 24 hours
For the gloves:
drops 10 g / sqm for 12 hours.
Full size and weight:
The filter-sorbent CBRN protection suit is available in the following sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL . It comes packed in an individual bag with a total weight between 3.50 ÷ 3.70 kg.
The CBRN filter-sorbent protection suit is an individual CBRN protection equipment element and does not influence the wearing of the following individual equipment: gas mask, helmet and ballistic protection vests.
Washing should be done at a minimum of 40 ° C.
Can be stored up to 10 years.
The original packaging shelf life is 12 months.